> Karim Belabas on Fri, 09 Aug 2019 16:25:37 +0200 > ? install(RgX_gcd_simple,GG); \\ direct ERS Thank you for introducing "RgX_gcd_simple". > *simple* choice criterion > we use subresultant by default > direct ERS is used only if the field of scalars is such that > we can rule out coefficient explosion From the user's point of view, it is useful to have an algorithm selection flag. And I think it would be better if there was an option to run the two methods simultaneously and return the faster's result. > Bill Allombert on Fri, 09 Aug 2019 16:55:27 +0200 > liftall(subst(liftall(R),t,(k*c7+c5)*Mod(1,p7)*Mod(1,p5))) Thank you for introducing how to use 'k'. Your method using the simple extension is fast for P, Q which I posted. {p7=c7^6+c7^5+c7^4+c7^3+c7^2+c7+1; p5=c5^4+c5^3+c5^2+c5+1; P7=subst(p7,c7,t); P5=subst(p5,c5,t); [R,C7,C5,k]=polcompositum(P7,P5,3); PP=subst(liftall(P),c5,C5)*Mod(1,R); QQ=subst(liftall(Q),c7,C7)*Mod(1,R); R=gcd(PP/content(PP),QQ/content(QQ)); liftall(subst(liftall(R),t,(k*c7+c5)*Mod(1,p7)*Mod(1,p5)))/pollead(R)}; time = 132 ms. install(RgX_gcd_simple,GG); {R=RgX_gcd_simple(P,Q);liftpol(R/pollead(R))}; time = 645 ms. However, it seems slow for P, Q in http://macsyma.starfree.jp/temp/PQ23.gp {p11=polcyclo(11,c11); p23=polcyclo(23,c23); P11=subst(p11,c11,t); P23=subst(p23,c23,t); [R,C11,C23,k]=polcompositum(P11,P23,3); PP=subst(liftall(P),c11,C11)*Mod(1,R); QQ=subst(liftall(Q),c23,C23)*Mod(1,R); R=gcd(PP/content(PP),QQ/content(QQ)); liftall(subst(liftall(R),t,(k*c11+c23)*Mod(1,p11)*Mod(1,p23)))/pollead(R)}; time = 11,949 ms. {R=RgX_gcd_simple(P,Q);liftpol(R/pollead(R))}; time = 60 ms. macsyma